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The Toronto International Spring Motorcycle Show


by Kevin ''Crash'' Corrigan ,

Spring is finally now arriving. How do I know that? Well, the last bike show which I attended was only a few weeks ago and there was scarcely a bike to be seen. This weekend, there were plenty of bikes parked up outside the International Center for the Toronto International Spring Motorcycle Show.

I did wonder why the organizers wouldn't hold the event off for a few more weeks, which would have replaced all of the vehicles in the car park with bikes, but of course, that is not what this show is all about.

No, this is the time of year for sorting out your bike and all your gear. It's that time when most of us start to shake off the winter dust from bike and body, and get ourselves ready for the riding season.

But all that cleaning and polishing, applying the leather dressing etc can get a bit much, especially if you have spent the last few weeks in the garage and your "better half" hasn't clapped eyes on you since a week last Thursday.

That is why so many decided to make it up to their loved ones, and give them a treat, by taking them for a day out at... the spring bike show!!!

I'm not kidding! Each year, this show seems to have more and more to see, and there always "something for everyone". That was easy to see this year by the sheer number of couples and families in attendance.

I tell you, it is becoming harder and harder nowadays to write about motorcycle events without sounding sexist. After all, when I first started riding, it was a rare occurrence to see a female rider, so it was always "his this, and his that". Now, the attendees appear in equal numbers of both sexes, and it's not unusual to see the Ladies dragging their non-riding males along to try and tempt them into the biking lifestyle.

I personally love this idea, as both my parents rode back in the 50's & 60's. In fact, my mother loved me so much, that she traded in her 350cc for a Lambretta and sidecar when I was born so that I could ride along with her.

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